Focus on Testimonials

Testimonial – Very pleased with edits and guidance

Jason was awesome and I’m very pleased with his edits and guidance. The final version reads well as you will see when it goes out to all non-union employees this week.

—Lisa, Manager, Benefits and Pensions, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories


Testimonial – Detailed Report with Answers

Thank you so much for the detailed report and for all your efforts in finding out the answer for us!

—Marilyn, Radiobiology & Health, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Testimonial – Clarity in communicating with internal clients

As the manager directly responsible for overseeing technical writing and business process writing projects at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, I found Jason’s skills, experience, excellent customer service, and refreshing attitude very gratifying over the last couple of years we’ve been working together. His clarity in communicating with internal clients and quick turnaround of deliverables earned him a respected position within our team. Whether penning helpful posts to improve the quality of writing on a company-wide basis or reviewing and revising large process documents, Jason is always a valuable asset to our team.

CNLAndre (Andy) Séguin, Information Management Program Specialist, Information Management and Process Governance, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Testimonial – What a thorough and detailed review should look like.

I much appreciate the quality and methodology of your technical-writer services. Each of your reviews have made my documents better and added value. As a technical writer myself for many years, I understand what a thorough and detailed review should look like, and yours exceed that in my opinion. I also appreciate the care you take to avoid introducing errors into the document. Overall, I would say that I’m going to be a better writer in the future based on the lessons I’ve learned from our interactions.

Thank you!

CNL—Herb Marshall, Decommissioning & Environmental Remediation, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Testimonial – Made a long-lasting impact

Your timely responses to our business needs, flexibility in unique review situations, and value-added advice were welcome and made a positive difference to our program. Your contributions will have a long-lasting impact, as I know our writers picked up many good writing techniques as a result of your reviews.


Frank Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager | Decommissioning & Environmental Remediation

Testimonial – Creating documentation to build upon

Jason has done a great job structuring the documentation within Confluence and getting various pieces started for the teams to reference and build upon.

—Matthew Rollo, Manager, Change Corporate Strategy, People & Culture, BCLC

Testimonial – Excellent at your craft

Jason, thanks for being a great technical writer. You were on many Annex Consulting Group contracts because you are excellent at your craft. I trust you will stay busy for many years to come.

—Stacey Cerniuk, President & CEO, Annex Consulting Group Inc.

Testimonial – Quick learner, easy to work with

I’m happy we had the chance to work together – and I agree, it worked out well – not least of all because you are a very quick learner and very easy to work with!

—Kim Lo, Senior Analyst, Underwriting Policy, ICBC

Testimonial – Depth in task-based documentation and structured authoring

Jason is a very experienced writer, with depth in task-based documentation and structured authoring. He is responsible, diligent, conscientious, and extremely easy to work with. I enjoyed working on his team very much and would welcome the chance to work with him again.

Jason was an important member of our team during a series of demanding and complicated releases of documentation related to regulatory changes to automobile insurance in BC. In the initial project, Product Reform, Jason joined the team responsible for converting reviewed Word documents into ICBC’s complicated DITA/XML toolset. To do this correctly (which Jason did) required mastery of information mapping and ICBC’s template structure.

For our second project, far less business preparation had been done, and the project itself suffered from a lack of business requirements and product definition. Jason took the bull by the horns and with intensive effort, managed to extract enough information from the SMEs to accomplish a successful release of a viable topic set.

Both projects required that “old” source co-exist with “go-live” source. Jason met the single-sourcing requirement using conditional profiles in DITA/XML.

—Lindsay Burrell, Procedures Analyst/Senior Technical Writer, ICBC

Testimonial – You did a fantastic job

You did a fantastic job communicating what the policy is, and distinguishing between “the program” and “facilities”.  It’s not exactly straightforward, but you totally nailed it.

—Kate, Senior Legal Counsel, ICBC