Focus on Testimonials

Testimonial – easily navigable, with understandable language and an accessible layout

I recently had the pleasure to work with Jason on a project for a new unit that I created. We had another writer work on a manual for my group, but the final product was far from what we needed.

I had a very brief conversation with Jason and he knew right away how to put together my document so that it was easily navigable, with understandable language and an accessible layout.

I learned a lot working with him and was so impressed with how quickly he was able to fix my document, which was almost 90 pages, but also how professionally he worked with me. The end product was better than I could have imagined and much more than I could have done myself. My team continues to use this document on a daily basis.

I highly recommend Jason for any writing project and look forward to the opportunity to work with him again.

—Erika Webster, Manager, Claims Business Support Unit, ICBC

Testimonial – I appreciate all you’ve done to contribute to our success.

Thanks for all your hard work converting topics from Word to Oxygen Jason. Everything published successfully for release 1.1 and I appreciate all you’ve done to contribute to our success.

—Brody Darough-Hardekopf, Senior Business Advisor, ICBC

Testimonial — a proven IT consultant

Jason is a proven IT consultant and has been a pleasure to work with over the last few months.

When we were partnering to find his next position, Jason was always very committed. He was extremely easy to work with, was always open to making strategic changes to his resume, and most importantly, was always available to talk.

Thank you Jason!

—Robert Peterson, Account Manager

Testimonial – A most enjoyable class

Thank you again for teaching a most enjoyable class, I feel like I definitely learned numerous useful writing skills. Hopefully I might be in one of your classes in the future.

—Sara, Technical Writing Student, BCIT

Testimonial – Good jump start

I just wanted to say thanks for being a good teacher. These classes have been great primers for the rest of my education. So thanks for your positive attitude and good jump start.

—Alex, Technical Writing Student, BCIT

Testimonial – Your class has taken my writing up a few notches

Thanks for the class. It has taken my writing up a few notches and has given me confidence that I can move from creative to technical writing.

—Verna, Technical Writing Student, BCIT

Testimonial – Nathan Kulczycki, Product Manager, BCLC

I have very much appreciated working with you and having you on the team. The work you have contributed to does make a significant difference for the product and our business going forward! I believe we have raised the bar at BCLC and hopefully this will encourage others to take their products / businesses to this level.

I have personally learned a lot working with you and have very much appreciated having you around for the past year on our team—your final gift—you have articulated exactly the environment I strive for creating as a professional: “Relaxed Productivity”. I love it! That’s going to be my new mantra.

—Nathan Kulczycki, Product Manager, BCLC

Testimonial – All good things must come to an end

When COMM 1008 culminated on August 10, I was reminded of the adage, ‘All good things must come to an end.’ It was a wonderful experience listening to your classes from my last bench. I could proudly say that we have had precious evening hours during COMM1007 and 1008 getting to know the techniques of technical writing and editing. I look forward to working with you in the technical writing world in the near future.

—Shanthini, Technical Writing Student, BCIT

Testimonial – Jon Chapman CEng PMP , Project Manager, BCLC

Yesterday in our working sessions with our inter-provincial customer, they complimented the product document suite. Not only are they starting to realise what a powerful set of documents it is for them, but they also said it presented a really professional image for our product — in fact, they asked if our actual product was as mature as we’re making it look. Great work!

—Jon Chapman CEng PMP , Project Manager, BCLC

Testimonial – Words of wisdom on proposal writing

I appreciate the words of wisdom Jason shared in class about persevering and being open to all kinds of writing as a technical writer. Those words were valuable when I began my technical writing role as part of a sales team. It involves a lot of proposal writing, which walks a nice line between informative and persuasive writing. I’m using my strengths, but expanding the scope of my writing skills as well.

—Deborah Hazebroek,Technical Writing Student, BCIT
(now Technical Writer at ENBALA Power Networks Inc.)