Thank you again for teaching a most enjoyable class, I feel like I definitely learned numerous useful writing skills. Hopefully I might be in one of your classes in the future.
—Sara, Technical Writing Student, BCIT
Thank you again for teaching a most enjoyable class, I feel like I definitely learned numerous useful writing skills. Hopefully I might be in one of your classes in the future.
—Sara, Technical Writing Student, BCIT
"I've had the distinct pleasure and honour of playing music with Jason Hall for much of the past year. Jason's musicality and unquestionable ability wonderfully combines sensitivity with humour and vitality with compassion." —Jason Jones, MusicianA music endorsement
Thanks for the class. It has taken my writing up a few notches and has given me confidence that I can move from creative to technical writing. —Verna, Technical Writing Student, BCITTestimonial - Your class has taken my writing up a few notches
Jason's clear and engaging style carries over from his writing into his instruction. He happily goes out of his way to ensure participation and understanding. —Pritpaul Bains, Technical Writing Student, BCIT (now Marketing Technology & Operations Manager at Macmillan Publishers, New York CityTestimonial - Clear and engaging style
I recently had the pleasure to work with Jason on a project for a new unit that I created. We had another writer work on a manual for my group, but the final product was far from what we needed. I had a very brief conversation with Jason and he knewTestimonial - easily navigable, with understandable language and an accessible layout
You are really going above and beyond on the blog posts! Jason, really enjoyed your post today about Ottawa. In my experience, people are more apt to click through a link with a fun picture - so well done. Thanks for making my job easier (and more fun)! —C.G.Koens, Implementation SpecialistTestimonial - Going above and beyond
I had the pleasure of working with Jason on two client projects, where he delivered customized solutions that met their needs and exceeded their expectations. I would rank Jason in the top 10% of consultants in his area of expertise, not only for his high level of professionalism, but for hisTestimonial - top 10% of consultants in his area of expertise
Thanks for all of your edits. I accepted them all and then this morning went through your comments one by one. It’s great to have a good editor looking over my shoulder. —David Greer, Vice-President of Marketing, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - It’s great to have a good editor looking over my shoulder…
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your instruction and guidance in class. Having teachers who have a passion for what they teach makes the difference. —Joe Coll, Technical Writing Student, BCIT (Now Technical Writer at Ballard Power)Testimonial - Making a difference
The timing was impeccable for this well-written article. I used it at my meeting—and it generated a lot of questions. Great Work Jason. —Mary Cecilia MacPhee, Senior Inside Account Manager, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - Impeccable timing
Jason is very sensitive to the needs of his clients and—being a musician himself—helped us immensely in crafting our ensemble's acclaimed web-site. He is easy to brainstorm with and patient in explaining areas of his knowledge with those less familiar. —Jeremy Berkman, Co-Artistic Director, Turning Point EnsembleTestimonial - Sensitive to Client Needs
Jason's Writing for the Web course was fresh, broad, and instantly beneficial. Thanks to the social media, blogging, SEO, and marketing techniques I acquired in his course, I was hired as a coordinated web content coordinator for Live to Play Sports (formerly Norco Products Ltd.). My manager counts on meTestimonial - Course was fresh, broad, and instantly beneficial
Throughout both COMM 1007 - Technical Writing Style and COMM 1008 - Technical Editing and Grammar classes, Jason stressed the importance of learning industry standard software used in technical writing. The amusing visuals he used and his approachable manner helped to make the classes very engaging. And his frequent anecdotesTestimonial - Industry experience helps
Jason is a very experienced writer, with depth in task-based documentation and structured authoring. He is responsible, diligent, conscientious, and extremely easy to work with. I enjoyed working on his team very much and would welcome the chance to work with him again. Jason was an important member of our teamTestimonial - Depth in task-based documentation and structured authoring
As the manager directly responsible for overseeing technical writing and business process writing projects at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, I found Jason’s skills, experience, excellent customer service, and refreshing attitude very gratifying over the last couple of years we’ve been working together. His clarity in communicating with internal clients andTestimonial - Clarity in communicating with internal clients
I personally enjoyed today's blog post, Jason. Makes it so much fun to promote! Well done. And I loved learning about the background of a Webtech Wireless employee. You just never know what people do when they aren't at work! :) I appreciate the personal touches you've been using onTestimonial - Writing so much fun to promote!
Thank you so much for the detailed report and for all your efforts in finding out the answer for us! —Marilyn, Radiobiology & Health, Canadian Nuclear LaboratoriesTestimonial - Detailed Report with Answers
Jason is able to bridge the worlds of IT and healthcare, crafting messaging about clinical information systems that is clear and easy-to-understand for a range of care providers, from administrators to front-line staff. During his time with the BC Renal Agency, he developed a range of communication tools and streamlinedTestimonial - Gloria Freeborn, Director of Strategic Organizational Development, BC Renal Agency
I much appreciate the quality and methodology of your technical-writer services. Each of your reviews have made my documents better and added value. As a technical writer myself for many years, I understand what a thorough and detailed review should look like, and yours exceed that in my opinion. ITestimonial - What a thorough and detailed review should look like.
I also want to thank you for helping to make the process so easy and pleasant. It was great working with you. From the beginning you had a very clear idea of how the site might be designed, but you were also more than willing to listen to my own ideasTestimonial - making the process easy
Jason has done a great job structuring the documentation within Confluence and getting various pieces started for the teams to reference and build upon. —Matthew Rollo, Manager, Change Corporate Strategy, People & Culture, BCLC Testimonial – Creating documentation to build upon
Wonderfully written piece...the depth of understanding generated a feeling of gratefulness, pleased to be getting the inside story.Brad Teeter, journalist, Georgia Straight
The user manuals you designed added great credibility to our product sales proposal. —Jim Korcinski, Project Manager, Epic DataTestimonial - added great credibility to our product sales proposal
Thank you for providing [us] with Jason Hall's services during their migration; the project is officially over. During the sign-off interview, [our IT Manager] said she was extremely satisfied with the work Jason did. (Despite me giving you such short notice!) [She] was particularly impressed with Jason's ability to quicklyClient of Frances Carere, Business Development Manager, CDI Education
Jason is a proven IT consultant and has been a pleasure to work with over the last few months. When we were partnering to find his next position, Jason was always very committed. He was extremely easy to work with, was always open to making strategic changes to his resume, andTestimonial — a proven IT consultant
Thank you again for teaching a most enjoyable class, I feel like I definitely learned numerous useful writing skills. Hopefully I might be in one of your classes in the future. —Sara, Technical Writing Student, BCITTestimonial – A most enjoyable class
I have very much appreciated working with you and having you on the team. The work you have contributed to does make a significant difference for the product and our business going forward! I believe we have raised the bar at BCLC and hopefully this will encourage others to takeTestimonial - Nathan Kulczycki, Product Manager, BCLC
I had seen other sites designed by Jason, and was impressed by what I saw. I could not be happier with the results. The graphic design is clean, crisp, bold and contemporary. Every visual element - colour, spacing, font, icon - has been carefully researched and selected to createJeffrey Ryan, Composer-in-Residence, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
Your timely responses to our business needs, flexibility in unique review situations, and value-added advice were welcome and made a positive difference to our program. Your contributions will have a long-lasting impact, as I know our writers picked up many good writing techniques as a result of your reviews. — Frank Trzebiatowski, PlanningTestimonial - Made a long-lasting impact
Thank you for a great and challenging class. I am sad that I will be missing your instruction for the Technical Editing class. It has just been posted that there are two instructors. They have big shoes to fill—that must be why it takes two! —Ann, Technical Writing Student, BCITTestimonial - a great and challenging class
I’m happy we had the chance to work together – and I agree, it worked out well – not least of all because you are a very quick learner and very easy to work with! —Kim Lo, Senior Analyst, Underwriting Policy, ICBC Testimonial - Quick learner, easy to work with
Allow me to introduce Jason Hall. He is a fellow instructor with BCIT's Technical Writing Certification program, teaches on a variety of subjects, and is quite well regarded by the students. —Steve Bain, Technical Writing Instructor, BCITTestimonial - "well regarded by the students"
The material Jason produced was well thought out and explained the workflow logically and clearly. I’d recommend Jason for his exceptional teaching and writing skills. —Maureen Kulak, Business Analyst, WorkSafeBCTestimonial - Exceptional teaching and writing skills
Jason introduced a new approach for doing our installation guides, many examples of which I continue to use in the way we do things today. —Thu Huynh, Training Manager, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - Thu Huynh, Training Manager, Webtech Wireless
We have been making great software, but now with this award, we can call it award-winning software. —Scott Edmonds, CEO and President, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - Award winning writing
Thank you very much for your support of Turning Point's efforts to be important contributor to BC's and Canada's artistic wealth. Your contribution both financially, and artistically, help us tremendously both fund our work and present ourselves clearly and with flair to the greater community.Jeremy Berkman, Artistic Director, Turning Point Ensemble
I would like you to meet Jason Hall, the fellow that will be working on the content for the site. We have worked with Jason in the past; as previously mentioned and find that he will be a great addition to the team. —Tim Lloyd, Portal 80 Multimedia Inc. (service providerTestimonial - A great addition to the team
Jason was awesome and I’m very pleased with his edits and guidance. The final version reads well as you will see when it goes out to all non-union employees this week. —Lisa, Manager, Benefits and Pensions, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Testimonial - Very pleased with edits and guidance
I appreciate the words of wisdom Jason shared in class about persevering and being open to all kinds of writing as a technical writer. Those words were valuable when I began my technical writing role as part of a sales team. It involves a lot of proposal writing, which walksTestimonial - Words of wisdom on proposal writing
Jason combines profound technical knowledge with creative flair that makes him the Michelangelo of training/user manuals. He upgraded our training materials to a world-class level and streamlined the production process. —Michael Kano, Training Operations Manager, ACL SoftwareTestimonial - Combining profound technical knowledge with creative flair
When COMM 1008 culminated on August 10, I was reminded of the adage, 'All good things must come to an end.' It was a wonderful experience listening to your classes from my last bench. I could proudly say that we have had precious evening hours during COMM1007 and 1008 getting to knowTestimonial - All good things must come to an end
Jason, thanks for being a great technical writer. You were on many Annex Consulting Group contracts because you are excellent at your craft. I trust you will stay busy for many years to come. —Stacey Cerniuk, President & CEO, Annex Consulting Group Inc.Testimonial - Excellent at your craft
Yesterday in our working sessions with our inter-provincial customer, they complimented the product document suite. Not only are they starting to realise what a powerful set of documents it is for them, but they also said it presented a really professional image for our product — in fact, they askedTestimonial - Jon Chapman CEng PMP , Project Manager, BCLC
Thank you for your insights and motivation! I have great respect for all your accomplishments and wish you all the best. —Trevor, copy edit client, December 2011Testimonial - Great respect for accomplishments
Jason is an incredibly thoughtful and detail-oriented writer and communicator. I've worked with him for a few years and have found that not only is his work impressive but he's a great person to have on a team. His strengths are not just in writing but in public speaking asTestimonial - Incredibly thoughtful and detail-oriented
Thanks for all your hard work converting topics from Word to Oxygen Jason. Everything published successfully for release 1.1 and I appreciate all you've done to contribute to our success. —Brody Darough-Hardekopf, Senior Business Advisor, ICBC Testimonial - I appreciate all you’ve done to contribute to our success.
The article is so well-written, thoughtful and I cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciate your attention. For a locally owned and operated establishment like ours, people like you help make a difference. —Shannon Pratuch, PR & Marketing, Jupiter Hotel, Portland Ore.Testimonial - People Like You Help Make A Difference
I have read all of the case studies and blogs and have to say they are well written and speak a great message. I like the one on hunger too. Great Work! —Mary Cecilia MacPhee, Senior Account Manager, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - Mary Cecilia MacPhee, Senior Account Manager, Webtech Wireless
You did a fantastic job communicating what the policy is, and distinguishing between “the program” and “facilities”. It's not exactly straightforward, but you totally nailed it. —Kate, Senior Legal Counsel, ICBC Testimonial - You did a fantastic job
You've outdone yourself. Tears of joy in my eyes…I love this story. Really beautiful and quirky and unexpected. It's a huge story on the front page right now. —Linda Solomon, Managing Editor, The Vancouver ObserverTestimonial - huge story!
I just wanted to say thanks for being a good teacher. These classes have been great primers for the rest of my education. So thanks for your positive attitude and good jump start. —Alex, Technical Writing Student, BCITTestimonial - Good jump start
Working to deadline, Jason provided valuable copy editing and feedback to a key customer report that was over thirty pages long. Jason's changes provided the critical polishing that greatly improved the impression the prospect received with the final report. —David Greer, Vice-President of Marketing, Webtech WirelessTestimonial - Critical polishing greatly improved final report
I felt challenged in Jason’s class and I credit him with helping me to develop the level of organization and precision I needed to succeed as a technical writer. He is an inspiring educator, and I look forward to encountering him in future courses. —Helen Dudley, Technical Writing Student, BCIT (now Vocational RehabilitationTestimonial - Personable, expert, creative
During our working together, Jason confidently led the development and execution to plan, of the end user and internal communications that accompanied regular product software releases. Jason took strong ownership of the content, direction, and consistency of these communications and delivered consistently to previously agreed-to scope on time, and on moreTestimonial - A self starter and engaging collaborator